Paper accepted at Jornadas SARTECO 2024 (II)

April 15, 2024 | Comments Off on Paper accepted at Jornadas SARTECO 2024 (II)

The paper entitled “Estudio de la confiabilidad de una red neuronal convolucional cuantizada” written by J. Gracia-Morán, L.J. Saiz-Adalid, J.C. Ruiz-García, and D. Andrés-Martínez has been accepted at Jornadas SARTECO 2024. Abstract A medida que el uso de las redes neuronales se generaliza, el interés por su confiabilidad también aumenta. En concreto, las redes neuronales […]

Paper accepted at Jornadas SARTECO 2024 (I)

April 15, 2024 | Comments Off on Paper accepted at Jornadas SARTECO 2024 (I)

The paper entitled “Protección mediante Códigos de Corrección de Errores de los pesos de una Red Neuronal implementada en Arduino” written by J. Gracia-Morán and L.J. Saiz-Adalid has been accepted at Jornadas SARTECO 2024. Abstract Últimamente, el amplio uso de las redes neuronales ha provocado que éstas estén presentes en multitud de entornos, como pueden […]

Paper available at IEEE Latin American Transactions

April 13, 2024 | Comments Off on Paper available at IEEE Latin American Transactions

The paper entitled “A Proposal of an ECC-based Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Mechanism for 16-bit data words”, written by J. Gracia-Morán (ORCID), L. J. Saiz-Adalid (ORCID), J. C. Baraza-Calvo (ORCID), D. Gil-Tomás (ORCID) and P. J. Gil-Vicente (ORCID), can be accessed at IEEE Latin American Transactions. Video abstract here. Graphical abstract: Abstract Actual memory systems provide large […]

Paper accepted at IEEE Latin American Transactions

March 7, 2024 | Comments Off on Paper accepted at IEEE Latin American Transactions

The paper entitled “A Proposal of an ECC-based Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Mechanism for 16-bit data words”, written by J. Gracia-Morán (ORCID), L. J. Saiz-Adalid (ORCID), J. C. Baraza-Calvo (ORCID), D. Gil-Tomás (ORCID) and P. J. Gil-Vicente (ORCID), has been accepted at IEEE Latin American Transactions. Video Summary here Abstract Actual memory systems provide large storage capacity […]

Paper accepted at EDCC 2024

January 31, 2024 | Comments Off on Paper accepted at EDCC 2024

The paper entitled “Zero-Space In-Weight and In-Bias Protection for Floating-Point-based CNNs”, written by Juan Carlos Ruiz, David de Andrés, Luis José Saiz-Adalid and Joaquín Gracia-Morán has been accepted at 19th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC), that will be held in Leuven (Belgium) next april. Abstract Deploying convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in image classification systems requires […]

Paper presented at ITACA-WIICT 2023 (II)

July 10, 2023 | Comments Off on Paper presented at ITACA-WIICT 2023 (II)

The paper entitled “Hardware Accelerating a Convolutional Neural Network Using High-Level Synthesis”, authored by David de Andrés and Juna Carlos Ruiz has been presented at Workshop on Innovation on Information and Communication Technologies 2023 (ITACA-WIICT 2023). DEFADAS Project: Grant PID2020-120271RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

Paper presented at ITACA-WIICT 2023 (I)

July 10, 2023 | Comments Off on Paper presented at ITACA-WIICT 2023 (I)

The paper entitled “Comparison of the overheads provoked by the inclusion of different Error Correction Codes in Embedded Systems”, authored by J. Gracia-Morán, L.J. Saiz-Adalid, J.C. Baraza-Calvo, D. Gil-Tomás, and P.J. Gil-Vicente has been presented at Workshop on Innovation on Information and Communication Technologies 2023 (ITACA-WIICT 2023). DEFADAS Project: Grant PID2020-120271RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

Paper accepted at ITACA-WIICT 2023 (II)

June 29, 2023 | Comments Off on Paper accepted at ITACA-WIICT 2023 (II)

The paper entitled “Hardware Accelerating a Convolutional Neural Network Using High-Level Synthesis”, authored by David de Andrés and Juna Carlos Ruiz has been accepted at Workshop on Innovation on Information and Communication Technologies 2023 (ITACA-WIICT 2023). Abstract Nowadays, the deployment of deep learning solutions at the edge in industrial, automotive, or medical environments, to cite […]

Paper accepted at ITACA-WIICT 2023 (I)

June 29, 2023 | Comments Off on Paper accepted at ITACA-WIICT 2023 (I)

The paper entitled “Comparison of the overheads provoked by the inclusion of different Error Correction Codes in Embedded Systems”, authored by J. Gracia-Morán, L.J. Saiz-Adalid, J.C. Baraza-Calvo, D. Gil-Tomás, and P.J. Gil-Vicente has been accepted at Workshop on Innovation on Information and Communication Technologies 2023 (ITACA-WIICT 2023). Abstract During these last years, the use of […]

Paper accepted at Jornadas SARTECO 2023 (III)

June 29, 2023 | Comments Off on Paper accepted at Jornadas SARTECO 2023 (III)

The paper entitled “Evaluación de la robustez de una red neuronal desarrollada para generar un acelerador HW” written by J.C. Ruiz-García, D. Andrés-Martínez and J. Gracia-Morán has been accepted at Jornadas SARTECO 2023. Abstract El uso combinado de lenguajes de programación de alto nivel con herramientas de automatización de diseño electrónico , facilita el desarrollo […]

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